Stem Cells Therapy
Can stem cells prevent aging?
At birth, the human body has ~ 80 million active stem cells are working but at age 40 we have less than 25 million active stem cells are working. However, age associated depletion of stem cell population is inevitable and start at the age of 23 and reduced double the time at the age of 40. Hence, experts say the age 40 is an ideal time for anti-aging stem cell therapy. The goals of cell regenerative therapy are rejuvenation, replacement and regeneration.

Cells Rejuvenate
Rejuvenation is the body’s ability to regrow and remodel itself after dysfunctions or injuries. Most major organs in the body don’t regenerate or repair easily or ever such as the lungs, cardiac system or nerves, however with cell regenerative therapy, these organs are found to be able to heal itself and enhance this mechanism which such therapy, though it is still in the world.

Cells Regenerative
Regeneration is the ability of injured tissue or organs to restore itself and is brought out by delivery of cell differentiation and growth factors. Cell regenerative therapy helps induce and deliver these regenerating cells to restore already damaged tissues and organs, their functions and processes.

Cells Replacement
Replacement is better seen in transplants as health tissues, cells or organs are transplanted into the patient’s body to replace malfunctioning or damaged ones. The biggest challenge in replacement is whether the body will reject or accept the transplant which can cause discomfort to death in the patient.
Sources of stem cells
Stem cells sourced from post-natal Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) which can differentiate into variety of cells of most organs such as muscles, blood cells, neurons, intestinal cells, pancreatic cells and liver cells.
Why Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs)?
1. Extensive cell proliferation which can generate large quantities
2. Differentiation capability to become desired cell type.
3. Immune privilege which does not case immune rejection.
4. No ethical issues.
5. Potential medical therapeutics.
Why The Laureate?
1.Safe – Oriented medical center which under the umbrella of Beacon group companies.
2.Collaborate with a team of professionals under a certified laboratory which is on human stem cell technology in the field of regenerative medicine for many years.
3. An innovation driven clinical stage biopharmaceutical laboratory focused on developing noel stem cell therapeutics to address major unmet medical needs.
4. Focus on developing tailor-made therapist which are more accurate, efficacious and safe for various degenerative disease

Who is suitable?
Those with degenerative disease such as
Arthritis Parkinson’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease
Cardiovascular disease
Cancer Diabetes
Weakened organs

What benefits I can achieve?
Greater energy & stamina
Improved memory
Improved Libido Less bone and joint pains
Firmer skin and new coarser Darker hair
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